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Restroom Cleaning Checklist

July 15th, 2019 — 9:21pm

The cleanliness of your company bathroom has a significant impact on the health and safety of your staff, not to mention the impression you make on current and potential customers.  If your restroom lacks basic amenities and appears unclean, you will be judged by your customers and your staff will be frustrated.  In fact, even minor oversights in restroom cleanliness can leave people unimpressed – sticky floors, unflushed toilets, and overfilled waste bins can contribute to negative associations with your business.  With that in mind, many companies hire professional cleaners to ensure washrooms and other areas in commercial and industrial properties are well-maintained.  Whether you’re hiring professional cleaners or managing in-house cleaning staff, this restroom cleaning checklist will ensure your restrooms are in good condition and staff and customers are happy.


Before we even begin to discuss cleaning tasks, remember that your bathroom must be well-stocked with certain amenities.

Daily checks for the following amenities are always recommended:

  • Ensure toilet rolls are regularly replaced and that extra paper is always on hand. Restock toilet paper dispenser before they’re empty.
  • Ensure paper towels or drying devices are stocked and/or operational. Also be sure to keep extra on hand, and once again – restock before dispensers are empty.
  • Check and refill soap dispensers regularly so they’re never empty.
  • In women’s washrooms, ensure feminine hygiene vending machines are well-stocked…or really impress staff and customers and provide these items free of charge!

Cleaning Tasks

Restroom cleaning is a daily task, but some items need to be attended to more frequently than others.  In fact, some cleaning duties should ideally be done more than once per day, especially in high traffic restrooms.

Some of those daily tasks include:

  • Wiping countertops so they are dry and free of debris. Consider having bathroom attendants monitor countertops more regularly and wiping them as necessary throughout the day.
  • Empty waste bins when they are full – usually this can be done at the end of the day, but more frequent removal might be required so consider the volume of traffic in your washroom.
  • Clean and disinfect toilets and urinals and consider having your bathroom attendants check for toilets that need to be flushed throughout the day.
  • Sweep and spot clean floors and take care to dry any wet spots on the floor.

When it comes to a weekly restroom cleaning checklist, consider the following:

  • Dust restroom surfaces and vents to maintain air quality.
  • Disinfect restroom surfaces including doors, fixtures, and countertops/cabinets.
  • Clean and disinfect the inside and outside of toilets and urinals.
  • Wipe and polish faucets or other metallic surfaces.
  • Clean mirrors at least weekly, but depending on the traffic in your restroom you may choose to clean mirrors more frequently.
  • Scrub sinks, countertops, floors, and tiles to maintain cleanliness.
  • Sweep and mop floors with disinfectant.

Finally, some deeper cleaning tasks will need to be completed less regularly, sometimes once every couple of months depending on traffic in your restroom.  Some of these tasks include:

  • Cleansing sinks and toilets to remove any water stains.
  • Thoroughly cleaning tiles and grout.
  • Washing walls and areas behind fixtures.
  • Removing calcium buildup from faucets and fixtures.
  • Drain cleaning, including floor drains.

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Hiring a Commercial Cleaning Service

May 22nd, 2014 — 10:42pm

There are a wide range of benefits to hiring a commercial cleaning service. Obviously, regular office cleaning is an important part of keeping your workspace looking professional and presentable to clients, but there are even health reasons for proper cleaning. Indeed, when it comes to the health and safety of your employees, a clean office can promote productivity, reduce employee sickness, and ultimately improve your bottom line. Even small businesses and retail owners should considering hiring commercial cleaning services, as the time and effort spent cleaning may be used more productively. In this article, we’ll discuss the four main benefits of hiring a commercial cleaning service.


Working with professional cleaners will save you time. There is no question that proper cleaning takes time and effort. While a small business owner may consider doing their own cleaning, they often find that hiring professionals is a better choice simply because the owner values his or her time. Basically, cleaning takes time away from other activities – whether they are work or personal activities making it more important to hire a professional. Time saved cleaning is time focused on more important tasks, developing a more productive office, or even enjoying social opportunities with friends and family.


Again, the business owner who decides to save money but taking control of cleaning tasks is often surprised at the cost. Not to mention the cost of cleaning products, proper office cleaning may even require purchasing specialized cleaning equipment. In the long run, it is often much more cost effective to hire a commercial cleaning service. With professional cleaners you can schedule regular office cleanings to ensure your office is properly maintained at a reasonable cost. Add to that the time spent cleaning and you are likely becoming more aware that the most cost effective and efficient way to clean your office is to hire professionals.


Ultimately, your office is the first thing your clients will judge, and we all know the power of first impressions. A spic and span office is the first step toward convincing clients and even potential employees that your business and employees are professional. More importantly, a clean office space just looks better. Clean carpets and floors maintain their colour and appearance longer, clean windows allow more ambient light to enter, and regular cleaning helps to maintain a healthy and comfortable work environment.


Finally, one of the main benefits of working with commercial cleaners is an increase in your employees’ productivity. First of all, if your staff members are not focused on cleaning their own workspaces, they will have more time to focus on their actual job. Cluttered or disorganized desks and filing rooms slow productivity, and dirty offices may harbour bacteria, dust, and allergens that make employees sick. A clean office is more productive if only it prevents lost hours due to sickness.

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Importance of Keeping Your Business’ Elevator Clean

March 20th, 2014 — 8:19pm

Cleanliness is next to godliness, as they say.  A well-maintained, organized, and tidy office makes a positive first impression for your potential clients and employees.  Moreover, research consistently shows that clean workplaces tend to be more efficient and productive.  Indeed, there are many reasons to ensure your business offices are clean and sanitary, but what about other aspects of your workplace.  Bathrooms obviously benefit from professional cleaning, as do doors and windows.  In fact, we expect that these aspects of an office space will be part of the regular cleaning schedule.  But, what about your elevators, should these be cleaned as well?

Indeed, the overall appearance of your offices will be affected by the condition of your elevators.  Often the first part of a business clients will see is the elevator.  Moreover, in many cases, elevators are shared between different offices meaning they are high traffic areas that will likely require more frequent cleaning.  In addition, elevators are required to undergo regular maintenance in order to ensure their smooth operation.  So, when you’re considering what kind of janitorial services you will need in your office, it is important to consider your elevators.

Elevators are essentially complicated mechanical devices that feature many moving parts in addition to the elevator carriage where passengers will ride.  Because some of the various compartments and elements of an elevator are out of sight, we are often ignorant about their true cleanliness.  Unclean elevators might not only impact your client’s impressions of your offices and business, but they may also not run smoothly or efficiently.  Ultimately, a malfunctioning elevator is a much bigger problem than one that is simply unclean.

Experts should always be consulted for elevator cleaning.  It is not safe to do it yourself when it comes to elevator maintenance; and because elevators will have to be shut down during cleaning, you will likely want to arrange for afterhours service.  Nevertheless, basic cleaning of the elevator carriage may well be within your repertoire.  As you would clean any room in your office, the floors, walls, and ceiling of the elevator should be cleaned.  Your professional cleaners will be able to tell you whether they can include this task in their list of duties.

Otherwise, elevator maintenance should only be conducted by a professional.  They can remove dust from moving parts, ensure all components are operating properly, and ultimately ensure that your clients do not have to worry about getting stuck in a malfunctioning elevator.  Before hiring elevator cleaners, make sure you thoroughly research the company’s history and recommendations.  As is the case with hiring any professional, you want to take steps to make sure you are working with qualified professionals.

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Professional Warehouse Cleaning: Do You Need It?

March 6th, 2014 — 8:18pm

Maintaining a warehouse can be an overwhelming task but one that is a reality for warehousing businesses.  Depending on the purpose for the warehouse, professional cleaning may be advisable for many reasons.  Sanitation, change of use, and product protection are just a few reasons it is important to keep your warehouse clean and tidy.  Still, many business owners attempt to take on the task of warehouse cleaning on their own.  Still, hiring a professional warehouse cleaning company is always the best choice; but, why?

First and foremost, maintaining a warehouse is a huge task that may require specialized cleaning equipment or products.  Proper cleaning should always involve a warehouse inspection to flush out potential health and safety risks and to determine the best course of action for cleaning.  While you can certainly save money by cleaning on your own, professional warehouse cleaning services are thorough and much more effective.  Plus, the time you save on cleaning your warehouse can be better spent on more important business.

Another reason you need professional warehouse cleaning also relates to the size of the space.  Warehouses have exceptionally high ceilings, and cleaning at such heights will require specialized safety equipment.  Working with professionals who are experienced in cleaning warehouses can put your mind at ease with respect to the risks associated with the actual warehouse cleaning tasks.

In addition, unlike offices and homes, warehouses may feature a wide range of materials and surfaces that need cleaning.  Professional cleaners will not only know the best way to clean each of these areas, but they will also have the necessary equipment and cleaners.  Industrial cleaning specialists ensure that the job is managed efficiently and effectively in order to deliver a sparkling clean warehouse.

Warehouse owners and managers also often choose to contract expert cleaners in order to ensure the cleaning job is completed in a timely manner so as to limit disturbance to regular business activities.  Generally speaking, when you hire professional cleaners you agree on the tasks that need to be completed as well as a schedule for completion.  Cleaning may be done in the evening or on the weekends, depending on what suits your schedule best.  On the other hand, if you endeavour to clean the warehouse on your own, you’re going to be taking time out of your work or professional schedule to complete the task.  Even if you pay your staff for cleaning, you can’t be sure they have the skills ore experience necessary to do the job properly.

Ultimately, employing a professional warehouse cleaning company gives you the peace of mind to know that the job will be done and done well without interfering with your day-to-day operations.  Experts have the skills required to complete any cleaning job to the highest standards.

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Benefits of Professional Floor Care

February 20th, 2014 — 8:16pm

Your office is often the first thing potential clients and employees will evaluate when judging the quality of your business.  A clean and well-organized office projects an image of efficiency, safety, and esteem in your work.  Most corporations and even independent small businesses rely on professional cleaners with respect to removing trash, cleaning windows, and maintaining bathrooms, but there are multiple benefits of professional floor care for your business as well.  From the quality of cleaning to the ultimate appearance of your floors, floor cleaning and care is best left to the experts.

As carpets are prone to show signs of wear, repetitive use and constant traffic can also embed dirt and grime into hard surfaces.  Consequently, a quick mopping or vacuuming is sometimes insufficient floor care.  Indeed, hallways and high traffic areas tend to get dull and dirty towards the middle of the floor, while the edges along walls tend to be shiny and clean.  This is a clear sign that floor care is lacking and that you should probably hire a professional.

Floor care experts not only ensure the cleanliness of hard surfaced floors, but also their durability.  They utilize specific techniques and equipment depending on the type of material used in your floors to deliver the highest possible standards of clean.  Moreover, some cleaning products may not be suitable for all floor surfaces.  For example, laminate floors may be glossed and shined with one product while wood floors are better cleaned with another.  Hiring professional floor care services ensures that your flooring is properly cleaned and maintained for maximum durability.

Even janitors are likely to only mop or sweep your floors.  While they may effectively clean the surface of your floor, they may not have the equipment needed to make them stand out and shine.  Pristine floors contribute to the overall appearance of your office and floor care specialists not only assess your cleaning needs but can also recommend the best course of action for cleaning all floor surfaces.  In fact, if your office has areas of flooring made with different materials, it is especially important to hire an expert.

Finally, professional floor maintenance companies not only have the right equipment to achieve the cleanest, shiniest floors, but their specialized equipment also allows them to do the job much more efficiently and affordably.  Furthermore, this equipment is often designed specifically for floor care, so they usually have wheels that won’t scuff or mark floors and rubber bumpers to prevent damage to walls and furniture.  The proper equipment ensures that floors are left clean regardless of what kind of dirt or marks need to be removed while also ensuring that other aspects of your office are left damage free.

In short, the many benefits associated with professional floor care for your business ensure that your floors are cleaned thoroughly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

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