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Category: Carpet Cleaning

How Much Does Office Cleaning Cost?

October 21st, 2021 — 5:29pm

How Much Does Office Cleaning Cost?

It can be easy to underestimate the value of a clean and sanitary office.  Evidence suggests that regular office cleaning does more than create the impression of cleanliness, but also contributes to increased productivity and efficiency while decreasing rates of absenteeism related to sickness.  Indeed, a clean office is a healthy and effective workplace.  Nevertheless, when seeking commercial cleaning options, it’s important to understand that each office is likely to have different cleaning needs and that different cleaning contracts may have different costs.  So, how much does office cleaning cost?  This can be a difficult question to answer definitively, but we can discuss some of the factors that influence these costs.

Office Size

First, the size of the office will impact office cleaning costs.  Indeed, some commercial cleaners will quote cleaning costs on square footage alone.  Still, many other factors can influence cleaning costs and a business owner should make sure to get a clear idea of which cleaning tasks are included in any quote they receive.  Factors such as the number of employees and visitors, typical cleaning tasks and the type of facility, and frequency of cleaning should ultimately impact the cost of office cleaning.


The size of your office is often a reflection of the number of people working there.  More traffic – both in the form of employees and visitors – is likely to require more cleaning.  Windows and doors, floors, workstations, and meeting rooms may not only require more frequent cleaning but also more thorough cleaning in a busy office that gets a lot of traffic.  You’ll want to negotiate your cleaning contract to ensure that your office is always cleaned to your high standards regardless of how many people frequent that space.

Tasks and Facilities

Some small offices may need simple cleaning tasks such as surface cleaning, garbage and recycling removal, or floor cleaning just to name a few.  On the other hand, larger offices may have break rooms, kitchens, board rooms, and more that also require a cleaner’s attention.  Additionally, you may have private or shared washrooms.  Professional office cleaning companies can also help by monitoring your supplies such as paper towels, soap, and hand sanitizer to make sure facilities are maintained.  As you can see, the cleaning tasks you require as well as the type of office space you are using will impact your cleaning contract and associated cleaning costs.

Cleaning Schedules

Finally, the frequency of your cleaning schedule will vary depending on many factors including the size of your company and even the type of work you do.  A doctor’s office should be sanitized and disinfected much more frequently, for example.  You must ensure that your cleaning contract delivers a cleaning schedule that fits for your business.

The cost of office cleaning depends on many factors.  As such, you should always discuss your unique cleaning needs with your professional cleaners to ensure the cost of office cleaning meets those needs.

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Office Cleaning Tips for Summer

July 21st, 2021 — 8:07pm

Office Cleaning Tips for Summer

Summer in the office is a special time of year.  Folks tend to be busier in their personal lives – whether that means more social engagement at the end of the work day or time away on vacation, the office takes on a different vibe in the summer months.  Unfortunately, this can sometimes mean that people are less in tune with keeping the office orderly – desks are disheveled, food is rotting in the fridge, and fruit flies can become a nuisance.  The following office cleaning tips can help you and your team keep your office cleaner throughout the summer.

Kitchens and Break Rooms

Ideally, your office cleaners will conduct regular checks to make sure the fridge is clean and food isn’t left to rot.  That being said, it’s important to engage your staff to take responsibility for their leftovers.  Professional cleaners will often recommend that staff is provided a deadline to remove their food and containers from the fridge so that cleaners can sanitize the fridge.  This helps to keep food odors and fruit flies at bay.  Additionally, consider putting a compost bin in your kitchen and/or break room so that food waste can be removed daily, especially in summer months.

Promote Tidy Desks

In order to maintain a dust free environment, surfaces including desks and cabinets should be wiped regularly.  Your employees can help cleaning staff by making sure that surfaces are free of clutter at the end of the day.  Creating organizational systems that are accessible and easy to use is vital to ensuring that desks and surfaces are free of clutter.  Still, during the summer when the weather tends to be drier, dust and dirt is more readily tracked through the office so you may need to increase the frequency of surface cleaning to ensure optimal air quality and ultimately your employees’ efficiency.

Clean the Floors

Whether you live and work in a hot/dry climate or a hot/humid climate or somewhere in between, floors can become especially dirty during the summer months.  You may also find that mold or bacteria becomes a bigger concern when the temperature heats up.  Increase the frequency of floor cleaning in the summer to maintain a fresher environment.  Your professional cleaning service will have the right materials for the job no matter the type of flooring in your office.  They will also probably recommend deep cleaning your carpets in the summer because many offices tend to be a bit quieter in the summer with staff on vacation and such.

Remember, keeping a clean and sanitary office is important year round which is why it is always advisable to work with a professional cleaning company that can help you identify the cleaning tasks that are most important no matter the season.

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Floor Cleaning During COVID

October 21st, 2020 — 9:14pm

Floor Cleaning During COVID

There are so many cleaning practices to consider in preventing the spread of COVID-19.  In homes and offices, regular floor cleaning and disinfecting helps to maintain a safer environment.  So, what do you need to know about floor cleaning during COVID?

Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting

Many people aren’t aware, but cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting are actually very different processes.  In a nutshell, cleaning is a process that removes germs and dirt from floor surfaces and involves using soap or detergent to physically remove these impurities.  On the other hand, sanitizing reduces the number of germs on floors to a safe level as determined by public health agencies – sanitizing may be achieved through both cleaning and disinfecting procedures.  Disinfecting is a process that involves using chemical cleaning agents to kill germs on floors but may not actually remove dirt or other impurities.

Ultimately, this means that to keep your business or home safest during the coronavirus pandemic, you should incorporate practices that both clean and disinfect your floors.  More regular cleaning combined with scheduled disinfection helps to keep households and business healthy.  Also, for the best results, always clean floors before disinfecting them.  Choose a cleaner that is also recommended by the Centre for Disease Control for killing COVID-19.  Some disinfectants are specifically rated for killing viruses including COVID-19.  When handling disinfectants, you will also need to follow manufacturer’s instructions – wear gloves, protective goggles, and allow adequate ventilation.  Never mix disinfectants with each other or other cleaners such as bleach or ammonia.

So then, what are some tips for cleaning and disinfecting different flooring surfaces?  Let’s take a closer look.

  • Hardwood, Laminate, and Vinyl Floors
    A microfiber mop is highly effective for cleaning smooth flooring surfaces.  First vacuum or sweep flooring to remove larger dirt, dust, and debris and then mop the floor with the type of mop recommended for your flooring.  Cleaning with store-bought floor-cleaners or a mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water will effectively clean these floor surfaces.When you’re ready to disinfect your hardwood, laminate, or vinyl floors, you want to use a disinfectant product that is recommended for your type of flooring.  Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions – many will have specific instructions for how long the disinfectant must remain in contact with the surface or drying recommendations.  For the most part, disinfectants on these smooth floor surfaces will be applied with a mop to prevent damage from moisture.
  • Carpets and Rugs
    Regular vacuuming is the most important step in cleaning carpets and rugs.  High traffic areas should be vacuumed at least twice a week, and daily vacuuming would be ideal.  Move your vacuum slowly to allow for better removal of dirt and debris.  Regularly dusting surfaces in carpeted rooms can also help to keep carpets clean.Routine carpet vacuuming is likely sufficient for preventing the spread of germs in your home or business – even COVID-19.  Steam cleaning carpets with soap and water is recommended for disinfecting.


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What is Considered Commercial Cleaning?

November 21st, 2019 — 8:32pm

Commercial cleaning services represent a highly specialized array of services that require unique skills and knowledge depending on the cleaning context.  In fact, when it comes to commercial cleaning, there are many types of cleaning services depending on the type of commercial facility.  For example, commercial cleaning may refer to cleaning retail spaces, office spaces, and other business environments.  So exactly what is considered commercial cleaning and how does it differ from residential cleaning?

It’s true that commercial services may be similar to residential services.  Just as you would clean the bathroom in your home, you would also clean the bathroom in a restaurant or retail space.  I suppose the main difference is that you might consider commercial cleaning akin to residential cleaning on steroids.  Commercial cleaning tasks tend to be bigger, more frequent, and sometimes even more arduous.  Commercial spaces tend to see more traffic, and we also tend to expect different types of surfaces and materials to be cleaned.

As you may expect, commercial cleaning services must be performed by employees with specific training as well as with commercial cleaning products and equipment.  For example, commercial waste cleanup may require training and experience cleaning up hazardous materials.  Additionally, commercial cleaners will offer recycling and document shredding services to ensure sensitive information isn’t breached.  Whereas you may separate your home recyclables, commercial waste management must be tailored to the commercial environment, the volume of waste, and the specific cleaning requirements for that waste.

Speaking of the cleaning products and equipment, commercial cleaners offer unique skills and abilities.  Commercial spaces often include machinery, technology, and other equipment that must be carefully cleaned to ensure proper operation.  In fact, any good commercial cleaning contract will carefully explain which tasks cleaners are expected to provide to ensure that commercial equipment is not damaged.

Finally, while we might expect residential cleaning services to be detail oriented, the depth and scope of cleaning for commercial services is much different.  For example, a residential cleaner might focus on sanitizing and dusting every nook and cranny of your home, commercial cleaners almost take a macro approach to cleaning.  Certainly, floors, windows, and surfaces will be cleaned, but it’s the approach that differs.  Carpets must be deep cleaned more regularly in a commercial space, and hard flooring will be regularly buffed with special equipment.  Commercial cleaners aren’t usually going to wash the dishes in a shared kitchen, but they will sanitize areas where people eat.

So, when it comes to commercial cleaning, you really can expect everything you would see in a residential setting, but with a different perspective.  Commercial cleaning includes all the tasks required to keep a healthy and safe work environment in offices, retail spaces, buildings, and other facilities and you’ll even find commercial cleaners doing clean-up after floods and fires.  It’s a huge industry where various commercial cleaning companies may specialize in one area or another.

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How Often Should You Clean Office Carpets?

October 18th, 2019 — 11:08pm

Office cleaning is an important but underappreciated endeavour when it comes to improving workplace health and safety and in promoting productivity and efficiency.  Clean offices can not only improve workflow by ensuring staff are focused on their job rather than stressing about a disorganized workspace, but also promote a healthy environment and lower rates of employee sickness.  One crucial component of office cleaning that you may never have considered very carefully is carpet cleaning.  So then, how often should your office carpets be cleaned?

Regular carpet cleaning helps to prevent the growth of mold and mildew, reduces dust and other particles that negatively affect office air quality, and allows business owners to present an office that looks and feels clean and efficient.  Most professional cleaning companies recommend cleaning at least twice a year, but many factors influence the optimal schedule for office carpet cleaning.  These factors include the type of office carpet, the volume of traffic in your office, and the cleaning services you require.

With respect to the type of carpet in your office, you may be surprised to learn that even the colour and style of your carpet will influence cleaning schedules.  Obviously, lighter coloured carpet will show dirt more readily and will require more regular cleaning.  On the other hand, darker carpets and certain styles will hide dirt better.  Additionally, heavy carpets with thicker fibers are less likely to trap dirt so require less cleaning.

Next, if your office sees a lot of traffic, you will have to get them cleaned ore often.  Even the location of your office can impact how often your carpets will need to be cleaned.  For example, if you are operating an office in an industrial setting where dirt or other substances may be tracked into the office from the facility, you’re likely to require more frequent cleaning.  That being said, cleaning your carpets too frequently can gradually wear the carpet, so finding the right balance between cleaning and maintenance can be tricky.

Finally, the type of cleaning you require will influence the regularity of carpet cleaning.  Professional cleaners will generally offer shampoo services, vacuum services, and absolute cleaning services.  Ideally, regular maintenance will help protect your carpet and prolong more thorough cleaning needs.  As such, more regular vacuuming will prevent the need for absolute cleaning services.

From the overall appearance of your office to improved health and productivity, there are many excellent reasons to schedule regular office carpet cleaning.  However, as you can clearly see, there is no simple answer to the question, “how often should you clean office carpets?”  Working with professional office and carpet cleaners can help you identify the perfect schedule for your office carpet cleaning so you keep your carpets fresh and clean now and into the future.

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