
Top 5 Challenges for Contract Janitorial Companies

April 22, 2015

Budgeting for Commercial Cleaning Services

The cleaning industry is a competitive market place that can be difficult for janitorial companies not only with respect to how they serve their customers but how they operate their business.  From marketing their business to employing effective, qualified staff, there are a number of ever-changing challenges for contract janitorial companies.  Success rests on a company’s ability to navigate the top 5 challenges for contract janitorial companies.


Back in the day…ok, maybe WAY back in the day, janitorial companies could rely on relatively simple marketing campaigns to attract new business.  In the early days, flyers or cold calls might offer a great opportunity to reach new customers, and eventually email marketing campaigns allowed for even broader exposure.  But as consumers are savvier and the internet provides a wealth of information, business owners can research potential cleaning companies independently.  The need for a comprehensive marketing campaign that includes exposure online and in local media is increasingly crucial.

The World Wide Web

Directly related to marketing is the changing nature of the World Wide Web.  We all use Google – likely on a daily basis, so it’s important to have an idea of how Google operates.  Unfortunately, Google is always changing its algorithm in order to improve the user experience.  This means the way consumers find businesses are changing and janitorial contractors need to keep abreast with Google rules and regulations to ensure customers can find them.


Since 2008, the economy in North America has been on tenuous ground.  Many cleaning budgets have been cut significantly meaning there are fewer contracts available.  Janitorial companies need to be aware of economic changes so they can effectively plan for profitability.  Similarly, changes in taxes can have a significant impact on costs for business owners of janitorial companies and their customers.


Related to economic changes are staffing considerations.  Some provinces, including British Columbia are planning minimum wage increases which will likely affect the bottom line of janitorial companies.  As the economy improves, contract cleaning companies can afford to hire more staff, but the cost of increasing staff is not only impacted by wage increases.  New staff need training which is time-consuming and sometimes expensive.


Many of the challenges listed above contribute to a single, over-riding problem faced by all manner of contractor – uncertainty.  It can be difficult to predict changes in the economy or even the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.  As such, perhaps uncertainty is the main challenge faced by janitorial companies today.  Nevertheless, even uncertainty can be managed through careful business planning.  Janitorial companies should work closely with a qualified marketing firm in order to promote business development, but they must also budget effectively while providing excellent service in order to maintain their current accounts.

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