
Office Kitchen Cleaning Rules

June 21, 2016

What is Office Cleaning Maintenance?

The office kitchen…it’s the bane of my existence!  Dirty dishes in the sink, spills left on the counter, and splatters in the microwave – it’s enough to drive even the messiest office member a little bit crazy.  But it’s not just about my personal feelings, the fact is that kitchens are breeding grounds for bacteria; and while cleaning staff may regularly wipe down desktops and computer equipment, office kitchens are often left in disarray – so what can we do?

To eliminate the problem of germs, mold, and mess in the kitchen, it’s important for offices to establish and post a set of clear kitchen rules.  Sometimes we need to teach etiquette before we enforce it.  So, I’ve consulted professional cleaning staff for a set of kitchen rules that will help keep that shared space free of contaminants.

Kitchen Basics

Let’s start with a set of basic rules for office kitchen etiquette…and then we’ll launch into what to do with the refrigerator and microwave before closing out on some common sense tips.

“Do unto others as you would have done unto you.”  It’s a simple principle that we learn in elementary school.  When it comes to the office kitchen, the principle is just as simple: if you make a mess, clean it up.

  • Wash, dry, and put away your dishes.
  • Wipe the sink after use and be sure to remove food scraps and other debris in order to prevent clogged drains.
  • Never leave open food or beverages on the counter – it attracts insects!
  • Wipe up your spills folks – this includes counters, cabinets, and FLOORS!
  • Rinse and drain the shared sponge or cloth to prevent bacterial growth.

These are very basic rules that you’d think you wouldn’t need to remind your coworkers about, but it’s always helpful to post such rules in a highly visible space in the kitchen.

Now, let’s talk about the kitchen appliances, possibly the most abused appliances in the entire galaxy.

Refrigerator Etiquette

I’m not going to hold any punches – office refrigerators are usually disgusting.  That being said, we need them to keep our lunches cool and food safe.  Your home and office fridges should always be set to 40°F in order to protect against food-borne illness.  Still, the state of your office refrigerator has more to do with personal responsibility than internal temperatures.  So here are some basic fridge rules:

  • Always label your food containers with your name (and even the date).
  • Never leave food in the office fridge for more than 2 days.
  • Clean up your spills!!!
  • Never allow food to rot or spoil in the fridge, but if you come across rotten or spoiled food, remove it immediately.

Microwave Etiquette

Office microwaves are likewise disgusting.  Consider posting these rules:

  • Always cover your food before microwaving.
  • Wipe up any spills or splatters immediately to avoid the dried-on effect.
  • Avoid heating foods with strong odors (i.e. fish or popcorn).

The Common Sense Office Kitchen

Ultimately, common sense courtesy is the name of the game with shared office spaces.  Just cleaning up after yourself makes the kitchen a more comfortable place to use for everyone in the office and helps to create a peaceful working environment.

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